Environmental Energies

    The Carbon Trust Green Business Fund

    The Green Business Fund is a scheme designed by the Carbon Trust to allow funders to contribute to the improvement of business sustainability. The scheme allows for multiple sources of funding to be combined cost effectively, making use of the Carbon Trust’s 15 years of experience in delivering energy efficiency advice and finance to businesses around the world. Current funding is targeted predominantly at SMEs, and is available in England, Scotland and Wales. It will fund the delivery the following services:

    1. Energy saving training

    2 hour workshops for SMEs, hosted across the country. Learn how to understand the current energy consumption of your business and identify ways in which no-and low-cost behaviour and policy measures could enable savings.

    1. Opportunities assessments (site surveys)

    A funded site visit from a Carbon Trust Engineer resulting in a report outlining the top three costed, energy saving recommendations available to the SME. Detailed next steps to take to achieve savings including recommendation of appropriate accredited suppliers.

    1. Implementation Advice

    Up to 5 days support from a Carbon Trust consultant to assist implementation of energy efficient equipment. This could include help putting together a specification and invitation to tender, help shortlisting and selecting suppliers from our Green Business Directory, and technical reviews of proposals. Companies should have a business case for project(s) ready for investment, and be ready to invite supplier quotes and to select suppliers.

    1. Capital Contributions towards the installation of energy efficiency equipment

    Capital contribution of 15% of project costs up to £10,000 is available towards the purchase and installation of energy efficient equipment. Expected customer savings must exceed project costs in no more than 5 years and businesses must be purchasing from an Accredited Supplier. A commissioning certificate must be provided prior to transfer of funds. Applications for funding open in June. The capital will obviously boost the business case for investing in energy saving equipment and should be communicated in this way by suppliers who are able to deliver projects through the programme.

    Eligible SMEs interested in support through the fund can register interest through the Carbon Trust website:  https://www.carbontrust.com/client-services/technology/implementation-and-finance/green-business-fund/