Environmental Energies

    What are the Key Advantages of Solar Energy

    Solar contributed 28% of the UK’s total renewable energy generation in 2020 — up 4.6% from the previous year.

    As a clean renewable, solar has no fuel costs and does not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases. It’s clear more homes and businesses are adopting solar power to generate electricity, and we’ve detailed some of the key advantages below.

    A truly renewable energy source
    Solar is an entirely renewable energy source and a great alternative to burning fossil fuels such as coal or gas. Renewable energy sources are crucial to the future of our planet, and solar works in harmony with natural processes. The sun’s rays can be converted into usable electricity for homes and businesses across the UK without contributing harmful emissions.

    Lower Electricity Bills
    If you are an individual homeowner, your bill will be lower because the solar system will cover some energy needs. The amount you will save depends on the size of the solar system and your electricity or heat usage. For example, if you are an industrial business utilising commercial solar panels, the switch can deliver huge rewards, increasing the profitability of your business.

    Helps The Climate
    Solar panels do not emit any harmful gasses, so they help reduce pollution and global warming. More people becoming aware of the need for environmental protection and sustainable energy resources such as solar energy have been embraced by government bodies and private businesses. Using solar energy to generate electricity helps you do your bit for the environment by reducing harmful pollution caused by power stations that use fossil fuels to produce their energy.

    Solar power is versatile

    Solar energy is used for diverse purposes. Homeowners can generate electricity (photovoltaics) or heat (solar thermal) to produce electricity in areas without access to the energy grid. Solar is used for low and high-power purposes, and panels can be used on any building, road or bridge — and even spacecraft and satellites

    Energy Independence
    By harnessing the power of the sun, you can create your own source of energy. You do not necessarily need to depend on the traditional electric grid, and it can be liberating to have complete control over your energy source. At Environmental Energies, we help homeowners and organisations enjoy an uninterrupted power supply with battery storage solutions that work for you.

    How can we help you?

    Environmental Energies have helped small and large businesses reduce their energy bills and improve sustainability with fully integrated solar solutions. We can reduce energy consumption by up to 85% — providing substantial savings from tariffs and taxes, as well as carbon reduction charges.

    If you’d like to learn more about us or wish to speak to our team about your needs, please send us a message or call us on 01858 525 407.