Environmental Energies

    Solar panels for stables

    Think about your stable, wouldn’t it be great if you had free electricity to make up your horses food with warm water, and for the dark winter nights being able to use lights! Solar panels can be easily and cheaply installed on your stable roof.

    Horses and Solar PV, do they go together, well the answer is yes. Solar PV is silent and pollution free, so its perfect for generating energy around horses.

    Do you have a stable with no electricity for lighting or warm water, do you own a racing yard or an equestrian centre such as Arena UK or Bury Farm where enormous amounts of power are required for lighting, heating and general use such as trailer hook ups?

    Think about your stable, wouldn’t it be great if you had free electricity to make up your horses food with warm water, and for the dark winter nights being able to use lights and a heater. Solar panels can be easily and cheaply installed on your stable roof providing you with all these luxuries!

    Solar PV products have seen a huge increase in demand since 2010, and are now tried and tested extremely efficient and reliable products. Added to that an entire industry has evolved of professional fitters and installers of and other renewable energy products such as ground source heating.

    Taking this up to the commercial equestrian level, if you have a large indoor arena to light and heat, solar can make a huge difference. The energy produced and used is free, anything exported to the grid you receive a payment for, and best of all every unit of electricity you produce, whether used by you, or exported back to the grid you will receive an extra payment called the Feed in Tariff from the government. These payments are index linked and guaranteed for 20 years!

    Whilst the sun will be with us forever, the Feed in Tariff from the government may not, so it’s vitally important that you make your investment in solar energy now. Every 3 months OFGEM reviews its tariff payments on a digressive basis, which means the more they pay out in tariff the smaller the tariff payments will become.

    Environmental Energies are leading suppliers and installers of Solar PV and other renewable energies such as biomass heating. For a free site survey and economic evaluation contact us today on 01858 525407. We’ll fit quickly and efficiently to suit you and even help you to register for your FIT and RHI payments.

    Contact us today for a free technical consultation and economic assessment on 01858 525407.