Environmental Energies

    Join the community renewables revolution

    Community renewable energy projects are growing in popularity with each passing day. Driven by concern about climate change, communities up and down the country are investing in renewable energy projects to cut their carbon footprints.

    But it’s not just about being kind to the planet. It’s about being kind to the community too. Renewable energy schemes provide communities with clean energy and a more sustainable energy future. With pressing issues surrounding high energy prices and energy security, investing in community renewable energy makes financial sense.

    Renewable energies like solar panels, biomass boilers and heat pumps not only save money, but once installed, will generate a long term income too, thanks to government subsidy schemes established to encourage and support clean green energy generation.

    How can communities get involved?  

    Renewable energy and communities are a match made in heaven. Renewable energy projects at a local level are capable of making a significant difference and, better still, because of their size, ordinary members of the community can enjoy the benefits.

    Setting up a community renewable energy project might sound rather daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. In fact, the whole experience can be rather empowering.

    So how do people get started?

    Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Community energy schemes are all about the long haul. These types of projects are never going to be an overnight success. Start off small. Hold an event or organise a meeting to engage with the community; create a community energy plan or have an energy audit undertaken. All you need to get started is a handful of enthusiastic people with the drive and ambition to empower the wider community and do something worthwhile.

    Community renewable energy solutions

    Communities look to renewable energy solutions to help them reduce carbon emissions and achieve lower energy bills. Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are a popular choice for many community energy schemes, with village halls, schools, churches, sports clubs and community centres opting to generate their own renewable electricity.

    Solar energy is popular because this type of technology is relatively easy to install and the most cost effective. Heat pumps and biomass boilers can also be installed to improve the energy performance of local buildings in the community.

    What are the benefits?

    Community energy projects have far reaching benefits. On both economical, environmental and social levels. Any community making an investment in renewable energy will reap the rewards, in more ways than one. Improving the energy performance of local buildings to cut carbon emissions and bring down energy costs is just the start.

    Other rewards and benefits include:

    • Generating revenue for the local economy
    • Profits can help fund other community activities
    • Profits generated remain in the community
    • It’s a chance to invest in something useful and worthwhile
    • Helping to educate people on a local level
    • Generating an annual return for local investors
    • Providing a more sustainable energy future by generating their own energy

    But it’s not just about powering communities. Community renewable energy projects help to empower ordinary people. Local residents. One could argue that in this day and age, that’s equally if not more important.

    We love helping communities embrace clean green energy. We can deliver a cost effective solution for your community energy project. If you’d like to know more about our approach to sustainable, affordable renewable energy, please give us a call on 01858 525 407 or send an email to sales@environmentalenergies.co.uk.

    To find out more about community energy, the government has published a useful guide. Read more here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/community-energy