Environmental Energies

    Does Voltage Optimisation Work?

    The residential market is seeing increased demand for voltage optimisation systems. Suppliers of voltage optimisation claim significant energy and monetary savings, but does it work?

    The residential market is seeing increased demand for voltage optimisation systems. Suppliers of voltage optimisation claim significant energy and monetary savings. But does voltage optimisation work? If a light bulb uses 100watts will it still use 100 watts at 220v and at 240v? There is a complicated calculation to work this out, and it proves that a reduction in voltage to 220v will result in a 100W bulb only using 76W therefore it works.

    Will voltage optimisation be effective in residential and business environments?

    Voltage optimisation works wherever there is an electrical load, all sizes and types of homes and business have benefited from installing the technology.

    VO works particularly well with inductive electrical loads. Examples of electrical items using that are large pumps, motors, fans, IT equipment and lighting. The level of energy savings that can be achieved will completely depend on the types and combinations of electrical equipment in your home or business and the control of voltage levels.

    Voltage levels are controlled by grid suppliers within the following parameters 230V +10%/-6% (216V to 253V). Therefore, 253V is the starting pointy for most grid suppliers to ensure compliance. This is because most European electrical equipment is designed to run at 220V.

    My voltage is high does it matter?

    It is simple, the higher the voltage provided by your grid supplier the more energy you will use. If your voltage is reduced by 5% this will normally translate to a 10% reduction in your energy consumption. Additionally, higher voltage can make your equipment run at higher temperatures, which will shorten the life of your equipment.

    Most electrical equipment is built to run at 220V, which is the EU standard. Therefore it is very important to run your equipment as near as possible to the to the UKs 230V nominal level to optimise performance. So, does voltage optimisation work? The answer is yes, less power used = reduced electricity bills.

    To find out more about what we can offer you, visit our http://www.environmentalenergies.co.uk/voltage-optimisation”>voltage optimisation page, contact http://www.environmentalenergies.co.uk/get-in-touch”>Environmental Energies onlineor give us a call on 01858 525 407.