Environmental Energies

    Tips for choosing a solar panel installer

    Solar panel installation should be on every one’s minds currently. Countries such as the US, Europe and China are planning to get huge amounts of their power requirements from solar energy, and governments are providing huge amounts of funding to facilitate the change.

    Large and small solar panel installation companies are installing more and more panels every day for commercial, agricultural and domestic use.

    However, with the huge increase in solar panel installation, there is an increase in the problems that customers are experiencing.

    Nightmare stories such as electricians connecting to incorrect meters, panels being defective, mounting systems failing and so on, are now common place in the industry. These problems are easily avoidable if you make the following checks when choosing solar panel installer:

    * Do they have industry accreditations such as MCS or the Carbon Trust?

    * Are they experienced in the type of installation you require, for instance some power inverters do not like dust?

    * Do they have examples of similar installations they can show you?

    * Checkout customer testimonials and case studies, do they have happy customers?

    * Are they supplying products from proven manufacturers?

    * What warranties do they offer on products?

    * What warranties do they give on installation services?

    * Will they supply power generation calculations and guarantee them?

    * Can your chosen supplier offer a complete renewable package such as biomass, ground and air source heating?

    Spending some time to find a credible company is not a time consuming job any more, initially, just use your fingers and check out as many websites as you can. A good company will have a website providing you with all the above information and more, to allow you to make the right choice. They will also normally visit you free of charge to give you a financial and site assessment. Whatever you do, if think solar energy might be suitable for you act now, government grants available are calculated on a digressive basis which means the longer you wait the less you will get.

    If you would like some advice on Renewable products Environmental Energies would be more than happy to help you, either contact us online or give us a call on 01858 525 407. Or if you would like to kick start your search for Solar panel installers, why not start here.