Rugby Solar Panels & Renewable Solutions

    Environmental Energies

    Rugby Renewable Energy Solutions Commercial & Domestic

    We provide Solar Panels in Rugby for any commercial or domestic purpose… If you’re looking to reap the rewards of solar panels, minimizing your carbon footprint while saving money in the long-term, Environmental Energies can manage your project from start to finish. We’ve helped many homeowners and businesses upgrade their buildings to include solar panels, providing essential technology so they can generate their own energy and reduce their reliance on the grid.

    Below are just a few of the key benefits of installing solar panels in Rugby:

    • Reduce electricity bills
    • Make the most of sunlight — don’t depend entirely on the grid
    • Produce your own green renewable energy
    • Save approximately 1.3 to 1.6 tonnes of carbon per year (depending on where you are within the UK)
    • Create opportunities to receive payments for the surplus energy that you export back to the grid
    • Significantly increase the value of your property

    The different types of solar panels in Rugby

    There are three main types of solar panels: polycrystalline, monocrystalline and amorphous. Polycrystalline panels are very accessible and cost-effective — and instantly recognisable by their blue colour. Monocrystalline panels are black, so they can seamlessly blend into your roof. They are used primarily in conservation zones, as well as areas of outstanding natural beauty. Amorphous panels (also known as thin-film panels) are lightweight, flexible and make an excellent choice for fragile roof structures. They perform very well at low light levels, at much lower temperatures than the traditional panels.

    With a wealth of experience helping homeowners and businesses upgrade to solar panels in Rugby and the surrounding areas of Warwickshire, we can help unlock your full renewable energy potential.

    Our vast experience in energy-saving solutions

    Whether you’re eager to cut carbon emissions, reduce energy bills and generate energy silently and efficiently, we can help you every step of the way. We only install the best quality solar panels in Rugby, meaning they require very little maintenance. We pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional service, from initial evaluation through to installation and beyond — our team of accredited engineers can service, clean and repair your solar panels for ongoing optimisation. With Environmental Energies, you’re guaranteed:

    • A dedicated project manager
    • An energy solution that is scoped, designed and implemented to deliver a reduction in energy consumption and spend.
    • Accredited engineers
    • A product range including solar power, voltage optimisation and more!

    If you have an existing dollar panel solution that’s underperforming or not functioning as it should be, we can deliver a system upgrade that takes care of your every need. As suppliers of SolarEdge, which is a system that allows you to combine panels and identify problems early so they can be avoided. Therefore, we can help you minimise downtime, reduce energy costs and produce a more powerful approach to renewable energy.

    To learn more about our products, services and the tailored support we can provide, please get in touch with Environmental Energies today on 01858 525 407.

    Already have Solar Panels Installed – Upgrade Options Available

    Do you already have solar panels installed but not getting the best out of them? Did you know that you can actually upgrade your solar panels to a more efficient range, that gives greater output of power? Here at Environmental Energies, we not only provide new solar installs, but we also provide upgrade packages too. If you have previously installed solar panels in Rugby, but are now not entirely happy with how they’re performing; help is at hand and we can provide a more comprehensive service – enabling you can get a more efficient output of energy.

    Simply call us on 01858 525 407 to discuss the options with our team of experts.

    Our Solutions

    Solar Power

    A photovoltaic system, or solar PV system, is a renewable energy generating system designed to supply usable solar power by means of photovoltaics. It consists of an arrangement of several components, including solar panels to absorb and convert sunlight into electricity, a solar inverter to change the electric current from DC to AC, as well as mounting, cabling and other electrical accessories to set up a working system.

    Battery Storage Solutions

    If you're looking for a battery storage solution, look no further than Environmental Energies. Not only can we help save you money on your energy bills, but as a business - you can enjoy an uninterrupted power supply

    Off Grid Solutions

    We are experts of out of the box thinking when it comes to renewable energy, particularly when there is no grid available or limited availability. Our job is to ensure you have the most effective solution available, delivered in the shortest amount of time, so you can get on with your day seamlessly.

    Tesla Powerwall UK

    Tesla Approved Powerwall Certified Installers and suppliers for the UK. We can supply and install all models of the Powerwall along with the charging options and much more. Click to find out more information about our supply and install services.

    EV Charging

    Here at Environmental Energies, we supply and provide a number of commercial and domestic EV charging solutions. We recognise that the market is changing daily where people are looking for a more efficient solution to their day to day lives.

    Solar Car Ports

    Environmental Energies provides a car port solution to you to deliver a completely bespoke and high quality solution to not only store your vehicle, but to keep it energized and charged. So you can be rest assured that your car will be sheltered also.

    We offer our solutions in a range of sectors
    01858 525 407 |

    Sectors We Service

    We service a range of sectors with the experience to match

    Get in touch to discuss how we can help you!

    01858 525 407 |