Environmental Energies

    An Example of our Multi Technology Energy Solutions

    The Challenge

    A large distribution centre wishes to replace its antiquated heating and lighting systems, which are both inefficient and impractical. The old systems are unable to provide an appropriate working environment throughout the year, as various individual sections across the premises have their own individual energy requirements. The heating system uses an enormous amount of grid fed energy but is still unable to provide adequate heating for staff during the winter months. The distribution centre also consumes approximately 700,000kWh’s of electricity during daylight hours to charge their forklift batteries.

    The Solution

    In this case, Environmental Energies could design and install a bespoke multi technology solution to help the distribution centre reduce its carbon footprint and energy bills. This turnkey solution could involve a number of solutions, ranging from a biomass CHP system to mini air source heat pumps. All areas of the distribution centre, from the washrooms to the loading bays, would be carefully assessed to ensure maximum results. To combat the forklift battery problem, Environmental Energies would install a 900kWp solar PV system and connect it directly to the battery charging stations.

    The Result

    As a method for energy production, biomass is significantly cheaper than Grid-purchased energy. As a result, the distribution centre would immediately benefit from a reduction of heating costs by approximately 50% thanks to the biomass-fed CHP system. The solar PV system will further reduce their costs by offsetting 90% of the electricity consumption from battery charging. As a combined solution, the total annual site energy reduction would be 47%, which equates to a carbon saving of 1160 tonnes per annum.