Environmental Energies


    Protect your home against rising electricity and gas prices by investing in green domestic sustainable energy solutions. 

    Generate renewable energy to reduce your energy consumption, take control of costly energy bills and see a healthy return on your investment.

    Environmental Energies develop, implement and monitor tailored solutions, including solar power and biomass boilers that reduce energy consumption and save you money on electricity costs.

    Our Solutions

    Domestic Solar

    The science in brief: solar panels work by allowing photons, or particles of light, to knock electrons free from atoms, generating a flow of electricity.

    Battery Storage Solutions

    If you're looking for a battery storage solution, look no further than Environmental Energies. Not only can we help save you money on your energy bills, but as a business - you can enjoy an uninterrupted power supply

    Off Grid Solutions

    We are experts of out of the box thinking when it comes to renewable energy, particularly when there is no grid available or limited availability. Our job is to ensure you have the most effective solution available, delivered in the shortest amount of time, so you can get on with your day seamlessly.

    A Solar PV Solution for Mr Blacklee

    Knowing that solar energy was proven to generate enough electricity to power a residential property, Mr Blacklee wanted to make the switch to green energy in order to lower both his energy bills and his carbon emissions.

    A Voltage Optimisation Solution for the Williams Family

    With an average yearly energy consumption of 6300kWh, Mr & Mrs Williams were spending £705 a year on their energy bills. With numerous household appliances ranging from gas central heating to games consoles, they were unsure how they could reduce their domestic energy bills without sacrificing useful electrical goods.

    A Multi Technology Energy Solution for Alun Dick’s Farm

    A poultry farm with nine broiler houses and three million birds a year, Alun Dicks Farm required a sustainable energy solution that reduced heating costs and carbon emissions, while working alongside the existing biomass system.

    Service & Maintenance

    Environmental Energies provide fully packaged solutions for the servicing, maintenance and monitoring of existing or newly installed renewable energy systems, including solar PV panel installations, heat pumps and biomass boilers, as well as new traditional boiler maintenance and boiler repairs.

    We have a wide range of Corporate Solutions
    01858 525 407 | sales@environmentalenergies.co.uk

    You can trust our expertise and experience